USB Car Charger

USB Car Charger

Liberty LB-4703CH Car Charger

Liberty LB-4703CH Car Charger

Technology brings convenience. Computer, communication and consumer products enrich our life. More and more electronic products are involved in our daily life. Therefore, people living in the age of technology in the 21st century are afraid of being disconnected or when their...


Liberty LB-4702CH Car Charger

Liberty LB-4702CH Car Charger

GPS, dashboard camera, cellphone, tablet computers...There are so many electronic devices used in car. Do you also have difficulty charging all these devices in car? Use Liberty LB-4702CH Double USB Car Charger, and you can easily solve the problem of charging device! Small and...


Liberty LB-4701CH Car Charger

Liberty LB-4701CH Car Charger

After sitting on the driver’s seat and starting the car, many people are used to charge their cellphones immediately. Liberty LB-4701CH Double USB Car Charger is a must-have for drivers. They can effectively use the travel time to charge their device. The product can be easily...
