
Westcott NO.14101 Ultra Smooth Left and Right Handed Titanium Bonded Bent-Handle Scissors

Westcott NO.14101 Ultra Smooth Left and Right Handed Titanium Bonded Bent-Handle Scissors

NT$ 290

Product Description

Breaking through the boring and conventional X shape, the Scissor brings the users the unexpected creative ideas and innovation! The 100-year-old U.S. manufacturer and top brand of scissor, Westcott, launches the American patented titanic scissor series. The scissor series that are three times harder than the stainless steel are more endurable and heavy-duty.

Considering the human factors and the user’s usage habit, the Super-Smooth Titanic Sharp Curved Scissor is designed with a curved handle, which is easy to hold and laborsaving. The other flat side of the handle can flatten the scissor on a surface and allow the users to cut the materials smoothly and easily rather than suspend the scissor and cut crookedly. The brand-new curved scissor is room-saving regardless of being stored or put in a pen container!

Product Introduction

1_ The U.S. patented titanic scissor is three times harder than the stainless steel!

2_ The innovative shape based on human factors is easy to hold and labor-saving.

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